
He keeps on rollin'...

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So I had a nice dinner and a good night's sleep at Auntie Marisa's.  She keeps giving me treats and this stuff called yogurt.  I don't think I've ever had yogurt before.  She says it's good for me, but I just think it tastes good.  Now that I've had some time to gather my thoughts, I thought I would tell you what I can remember...
Somehow, I was found on the 24th of January, on the 19th floor hallway of an apartment building in a place called the Bronx.  I guess that's why I peed on the ACC door in was my version of the Bronx cheer.  The people who found me said I was barely able to walk.    And, Auntie Ali and Auntie Annamarie gave a bunch of papers to Auntie Marisa.  They say that like many older men, I have  an enlarged prostate.  I wonder if they have the doggie version of Flomax. Also, my left testicle is enlarged. I'm not sure what that means. Oh well, I suppose I'll just go and take a nap for now...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Roadtrippin' through NY

I left Manhattan this morning, peeing on the door of the ACC on my way out.  Just wanted to let other people know I had been there.

Aunt Ali took me part way to where I was going, and introduced me to Auntie Annamarie.  I think I really have a thing for Italian women...

People keep telling me that I'm skinny.  I'm not sure what that means, but they keep taking pictures of my body.  Here's one now...

I hung out with Auntie Annamarie for a while and then another one of my aunties came.  I had to say goodbye to Auntie Annamarie.  I had a very nice time with you!  Thank you!

Auntie Marisa said I could stay over at her house for a little while so I can feel a little better before I go out west.  I sure was tired by the time I got to Auntie Marisa's car... 

I gotta tell you, it's been a pretty eventful day.  I just know that these people all seemed to like me and I've been kinda quiet.  I overheard somebody ask if I had had my cheeseburger yet...I don't know what a cheeseburger is or why that's important.  So I will wait and see what that is all about...

In the meantime, I've gotta go lay down...this is all a little overwhelming...
 - h


My name is Henry and I'm an old man pit bull.  I'm not sure how old I am, but I'm pretty old.  And I'm pretty skinny.  I haven't had my nails taken care of in forever.  Some time ago, I wound up in the clink at the city pound.  People found my picture on FaceBook and someone I haven't met yet thought maybe I could join her family.  So this morning, a nice lady came and got me out of the clink.  Her name is Ali and she took me for walk and I'm going on a car ride with her.  I don't know where I'm going, but it seems like it's a lot less noisy than where I was staying - all that barking can get on your nerves over time.  Her car smells nice, too.  
So, I don't know where I'm going, but I know it's way better than where I've been...I'll keep you posted on my adventures.
  - h