
He keeps on rollin'...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nad-free and Lovin' It!

I couldn't write before today because our internet was out here at the new house I live in.  I got my Pawrriffic Bed in the mail on Thursday evening and I LOVE it!  If you don't have one, you should get one.  You get to choose the fabric - Mama Al picked a nice manly pattern for me, with brown and blue bones.  It's fleece, so it's nice and warm on these colder evenings in Michigan.  

I was kind of peeing on things in the house, which was making Mama Al a little mad.  I was just trying to let people know I was here and everything, but apparently that's rude.  So Mama Al went to Barks Fifth Avenue and got me a belly band.  It's kind of like a diaper, but it looks like a burberry plaid and it matches my collar, so it's fashionable.  

Yesterday, I went to the vet and she gave me a shot that made me feel very sleepy.  Then I don't remember anything until when I woke up, my teeth were all clean and I didn't have my boys anymore!  Honestly, I don't even care...Mama Al says I smell better and I gotta tell you, I feel a ton better.  I don't act like I'm sore or anything.  It's a relief to be free of those things...I highly recommend this to all the pups out there.  Trust me, you won't miss them!

So we are starting to have a schedule here and I'm starting to get the hang of this family thing.  I like to be brushed and I enjoy hanging out with my mama.  My sister, Maggie, likes to spend time in the room with me, while my other sister, Lillian tolerates me.  There are two kitties who live here too, one of whom is older than me!  Last night, all five of us were in the room at the same time.  I'm sure there will be more things I need to learn, but this is pretty nice...
  - h


  1. i love that picture of him sleeping on the bed, it makes me want to curl up next to him and take a nap!!

  2. Henry isn't much of a cuddler yet - he comes up and rubs up against you like a cat and pretty much knocks you over with his butt, but he's just as happy to lay on his bed with everyone in the room. He likes to know you're there...Maggie often hangs out on one of the dog beds near him...

  3. Such wonderful updates from H man. Glad your visit to the vet was so great Henry. You're such a lucky guy <3
