
He keeps on rollin'...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This gettin' old is a b@%^h, pardon my language...

So Mama Marisa took me to the vet the other night, I think it was Tuesday.  I liked them, they have cookies.  Anyway, they took some x-rays and it turns out that I have an enlarged heart and infected teeth.  Some people might be alarmed by that, but I'm not, really.  I am interested in my breakfast.  Someone said that I should start on some medicine called Lasix in addition to my antibiotics.  It's for my heart.  That's fine by me.  All I know is that I have a really nice place to sleep with blankets and pillows, someone who comes in and looks in on me now and again, and warm food.  That's right, Mama Marisa warms my food up for me!  I've never really had that before, so  I feel pretty good about things.

There are two short people that live with Mama Marisa.  They seem very nice.  It's nice to have visitors.  I also met the cat the other day.

I heard somebody say that I'm supposed to go to Michigan, but I think they'd like me to feel just a little better before we do that.  I already feel don't ever know what it's like to have someone take care of you if you've never had that before - it's like a miracle!
 - h

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